Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Valentango 2007

So R., my dance partner and good friend, got invited to teach at Valentango, and asked me to teach with her as the organizer of the festival asked her to bring a partner to teach together. Needless to say, I was excited beyond belief.

I came back on Monday, still excited after a weekend of classes, practicas and milongas. I did not dance nearly as much as I hoped because teaching really wiped me out. I danced enough to enjoy it though. Everything was just dandy.

That's until the reviews started popping up on the Valentango feedback blog. We got owned by some angry woman posting anonymously. I am assuming this was a woman because of the frustration with too many women and not enough men to dance with them, etc. etc. I mean, there was a guy posting with similar sentiment but there was just too much pure fury to come from a guy sympathizing with the women who didn't get to dance much... Regardless, we got slammed. Her precise words were that we 'should have been taking classes, not teaching them'. The only thing that saved my sanity from getting lost was the amount of positive feedback we received personally from students in classes we taught. I guess it is only a question of time until those positive words show up on the blog because - oh God almighty, no! - Clay (the organizer) decides whether to bring back a certain teacher based on the feedback. So far we are down 2 -0 (yeah, there was another 'nice but not up to snuff' comment). Come on people! Bring in the good stuff!!!

Yeah, I am not really worried, honestly... I have so much ahead of me. For the next couple of years I will be preoccupied with balancing work, school and family life so this stuff really takes a spot below the aforementioned priorities.

I had a good time. Inna (my girlfriend) had a good time. That's all that matters. Next festival, I am dancing, not teaching :)

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