Sunday, October 16, 2005

Rediscovering Tango

There is no other way to call this. I am re-discovering Tango for myself and it has been breathtaking. Literally, half the time I find myself on the dance floor breathless as I lead my follow through the simplest of steps. It is as if all my senses sharpened tenfold and I can feel her heart beat inside of me and her breath feel my lungs with oxigen. We dance through tandas, inseparable. And it repeats over and over again. I have never believed in tango trance and here I am, experiencing something that I think is exactly it.

I am addicted to tango as it is but now that I have felt what it is like to be one with the follow, music and the dance floor, I am pretty sure this is for life. A fantastic feeling, sending tingles down my spine even when I just think about it. I can only wish that every tango dancer experiences this in his or her life. This is worth all the pain of being a beginner, all the money spent on airfare, hotels, workshops, privates, and shoes. This is worth the wait and it is definitely worth the dance!


catmum said...

Hola, Aleks, from Rachel's mum in Monterey! See you in Denver, to tango, perhaps?

catmum said...

yes, it's an interesting thread to follow in the interests section of blogs. We are just back from Denver, great festival as always, very nice level of dancing. Saw several people from St Louis, I'm sure Rachel will fill you in. It was nice to see Yulia too. Definitely put it on your list for the future! c