Tuesday, December 21, 2004


There's an interesting thing I've noticed quite a few times. I call it "flocking". It is a phenomenon that involves a hot woman and her male friends. And when I say friends, I actually mean a purely platonic relationship, no quotation marks or connotations. I've known a few very good looking women that had different good looking men escorting them to different events. And guys would always be introduced as the woman's friends. My first thought was, of course, that they were just saying that but after observing for a while, I concluded that those guys were really nothing more than friends. Whether they wanted to stay that way, is a different question which I can't answer.

Not to bring up the whole When Harry Met Sally theme, but it got me thinking why men do this. Do they line up hoping they'd get some or is it sincere friendship on their part with no ulterior motives in play? Are they too shy to express their real feelings thus having no other option but to become a friend just to be near the adored object or are they greedy predators trying to conquer their victim from within? And if they want to be more than friends, then why, seeing that she has a lot of men just like them around her, do they stick to the same strategy?

When I was in college, I remember being a confidant to a lot of female friends of mine. Later, when I was dating this one girl, I found out that quite a few of my female friends had thought that I was gay before they saw me in the street with her. That would explain why our friendships had been so comfortable and never too awkward. But in the case of a clearly heterosexual woman, what makes a dozen of men so eager to be friends and no more with her when they can have other relationships, possibly more fulfilling and less platonic. It's unlikely all of them are gay, although some may be... So for straight guys, what's in it?


Mike said...

I think part of it might be "Well, there ain't a chance she'll do me, but if I go out in public with a goodlooking gal like her, other chicks will think I must be packin and I might get lucky." I've thought this was on a couple of occasions (you know, when I was 14) - but I quickly found out it doesn't quite work that way.

El Russo said...

I don't think this would work. If they are just out in public with her, other women would think they are a couple and would not take his attempts to approach too well. Well, some may but not the majority. Their friends probably know the real situation so they can't really play it up. I can't see how that would be a factor in attracting other women and your experience confirms that, as I understand.

One thing I am not sure of is whether guys know about each other... They must really. There has to be something else.

Could they be in it just for friendship's sake?

El Russo said...

Wraith, that's a very good point.